IPC Accreditation

IPC Accreditation

On the 14th May 2019, North Zealand International School was awarded the prestigious International Primary Curriculum (IPC) accreditation by Fieldwork Education. 

The primary school was judged to be excelling in 5 areas:

  • A clear focus on children’s learning 
  • A shared vision about the kinds of children we are helping to develop 
  • International Mindedness  
  • The significance and development of knowledge, skills and understanding
  • Implementation of themes that link independent yet interdependent subjects

For children who enrol at primary school with NIS, this award demonstrates that our school curriculum is both rigorous and developmental and provides the inspiring teaching and learning opportunities which will bring out the best in your child. 

As an accredited school, we join the ranks of other highly ranked and accredited international schools around the world including Stockholm International School and the British International School of Washington.  NIS is the 28th accredited IPC School in the world.